Written by webtechs

8 Ways To Improve Your Website’s Content

Ways To Improve Your Website's Content

For many companies, a website is at the core of their digital marketing efforts. Good website content should solve a user’s problems and offer solutions. The content must also be user-friendly with the potential to be your most powerful marketing tool. Learn how to update and improve your site’s content below!

How To Improve Your Website Content

Rapidly changing digital trends can quickly make your website and its content feel old and outdated. Of course, a complete redesign may be a great idea, but not everyone has the time or money to fund this overhaul. To overcome any content issues, we’ve put together a list of 8 ways to improve your site.

1. Optimize Page Speed

Waiting for a page to load for long periods of time is one of the most frustrating experiences for users today. People are now accessing content all over the world using many different platforms and devices. Whether a user is on their laptop or cell phone, they expect content to load quickly.

If they don’t get the content fast enough, they will bounce to a different website altogether. Users simply do not have time to wait for something to load. One simple step to improve your site’s speed is to compress all images before loading them onto your site. Image file size is one of the top causes of slow page speed overall.

2. Use Bullet Points To Highlight Key Information

Bullet points are great because they ensure the user gets the most useful information as quickly as possible. Make use of bullet points in your content to highlight things like solutions, benefits, and key features.

Using bullet points to highlight key information will ultimately make your propositions more attractive, enabling users to get all the details they need. There are plenty of unique icons you can use to get creative with your bullet points, while being user-friendly, at the same time.

3. Use Well-Designed And Written Headers

Your content and headings need to be driven by what your potential customers are searching for. Putting keywords in your title is crucial for targeting a specific message and attracting your ideal audience.

Typically, search engines give preference to headings over other content, so choosing the right keywords can make all the difference. Headers help guide your users through your content and site, finding sections that may speak to them directly.

4. Unique Calls To Action

Calls to action (CTAs) that are clearly marked using an action word help users navigate your site more easily. When creating buttons for your site, you need to consider the psychology of color. Different colors evoke different messages, so figure out what message you’d like to get across and test color variations.

One more thing to consider is the wording you use on the buttons. The words need to include a verb or action that makes the user want to do something. No emotional connection will lead to no action, so make sure your words are action-oriented and time sensitive.

Call To Action

5. Include Images

When users first find your site, it’s quite easy for them to pick out generic, stock images. It’s no secret that using stock photography can decrease a user’s trust. While some stock photography can be high quality, it will ultimately fail to create a connection between brand and user.

In general, no stock image will be able to convey your brand, products, and services as well as you can. Only your own images will be able to spark a connection between you and potential customers. Use your images strategically, placing them in the right spots to support your content while also giving users a visual break from the text.

6. Keep The Website Pages Consistent

Keep the following things consistent on your site: Font, heading sizes, colors, design elements, photos, and button styles. Consistency makes everything on the site match, which is crucial for both users and search engines.

You must provide an aesthetically pleasing experience for your users as they browse your site. Drastic design changes from one page to the next can cause users to feel confused and lose trust in your brand.

7. Make Sure The Site Is Mobile-Friendly

It’s crucial that your site is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate using any sort of device. Google recently started penalizing sites that don’t meet the mobile-friendly standards of the 21st century.

Responsiveness is also very important. This is one of the most valuable ways in which you can improve your site’s overall usability.

8. Clean Up Any 404 Errors

Search engines may not punish you for soft 404 errors (“page not found”), but users certainly will. Encountering these errors makes users question the site as a whole, and, most times, they will opt to search elsewhere.

Just like slow page loading times, 404 errors are a frustrating experience for all users. Simply put, these errors cause disruption.

Website Maintenance

Extra Tips To Improve Website Content

There are a few key elements needed to ensure your blogs, copywriting, and other content keep your audience engaged. When writing for your audience, make sure to follow these steps:

  • Know The Content Type: You’ll need to make sure you understand the type of content you are creating. Determine what makes each and every type of content successful and appealing to the masses.
  • Know Your Audience: You must make sure you know exactly who you are targeting. Figure out what your audience wants, needs, and searches for. Tell your audience about your product and how it can help them.
  • Research: Your business needs to be established as an authority on the subject you are writing about. Do extensive research prior to writing and use credible sources for your information.
  • Stay Organized: Organization will help keep your audience engaged for longer periods of time. Start your piece with broad information, getting more specific later on.
  • Remain Focused: Make sure you always stay on topic so you do not lose the attention of your audience.
  • Track Your Content: Once published, it’s crucial to track the progress of your content. Find out how many users clicked on your posts, how many stayed for long periods of time, and how many leads have come from the content.

WebTechs.Net Content Writing Services In Scottsdale

Content writing is used to inform, educate and entertain, rather than focus solely on generating sales. Content writers are used for the creation of blog posts, social media posts, emails and books, among other various writing tasks. The primary goal of this type of content is to engage a targeted audience with entertaining and informative pieces.

One of the largest advantages to hiring content writing services is that these writers are so stealth at storytelling that they can write without mentioning your brand and still attract customers. Content writers have the ability to convert readers into potential customers. These blogs or posts are generally free to consumers, so make sure your writers are SEO experts, as well.

Content writer tasks include the following:

  • Advertisements.
  • Email Campaigns.
  • T.V./Radio Scripts.
  • Sales Letters.
  • Catalogs.
  • Web Page Content.
  • Social Media.
  • Postcards.
  • Promotions.
  • Slogans.

For the best Content Writing Services in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, or Mesa, Arizona areas, contact WebTechs.Net today.

Content Writing Services

Written by webtechs

Types Of Content Writing

Content Writing

Content writing has long been a staple of marketing. Without content, there would be less communication with an audience, ultimately leading to fewer leads and conversions. There are several different types of content writing these days, including newsletters, websites, and social media posts. Let’s take a look at these types of content writing to see which version is best for your marketing plan.

What Are The Types Of Content Writing?

Content writing should always be engaging and informative, using your brand’s unique voice the entire time. This marketing tool can span many different genres, but there are a few forms of writing that you will typically see.

When starting a marketing campaign, you should consider using these forms of content writing:

  • Technical Writing.
  • Blogging.
  • Content Writing.
  • Emails.
  • Social Media Posts.

Technical Writing

With exceptional understanding of your brand and audience, technical or long-form writing can be the easiest type of content to produce. Using technical writing to create ebooks, how-to guides, and white papers will educate your audience on everything they need to know. One key to technical writing is making sure you don’t use too much jargon in the content.


Blogging is another staple of content writing. Blog posts undoubtedly help boost your website’s SEO rankings because search engines generally reward websites that constantly publish new content. Identifying and targeting high-ranking keywords to include in your blog posts will make your brand more visible online. This, of course, requires research and an understanding of how to use the ideal language your customer base searches for.

A 750-word blog post should include at least 5-8 industry-related keywords. There are many tools online to help you identify and capture high-value keywords quickly. Blogging will cover a wide variety of topics and have a range of writing styles, depending on the brand, topic, and company goals. Education, information, and entertainment are the foundations of any successful blog post.

Content Writing

Content writing is used to inform, educate and entertain, rather than focus solely on generating sales. Content writers are used for the creation of blog posts, social media posts, emails and books, among other various writing tasks. The primary goal of this type of content is to engage a targeted audience with entertaining and informative pieces.

One of the largest advantages to hiring content writing services is that these writers are so stealth at storytelling that they can write without mentioning your brand and still attract customers. Content writers have the ability to convert readers into potential customers. These blogs or posts are generally free to consumers, so make sure your writers are SEO experts, as well.

Content writer tasks include the following:

  • Advertisements.
  • Email Campaigns.
  • T.V./Radio Scripts.
  • Sales Letters.
  • Catalogs.
  • Web Page Content.
  • Social Media.
  • Postcards.
  • Promotions.
  • Slogans.


Email campaigns can definitely fall under the content writing umbrella, but it’s important to view them a bit differently. Content writing is usually geared toward an audience that is unfamiliar with your brand. With email campaigns, this is not the case. Your email list will contain the names of customers who enjoy your product(s) and wish to come back for more.

Approaching an email should be different than most other forms of content. It’s very important to provide your loyal email base with the latest news and offerings to keep them interested.

Social Media Posts

There is a huge audience on social media, with most companies expected to have a presence on the major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Creating for social media users means coming up with relevant, platform-specific posts.

It’s crucial to understand the intricacies of each platform when creating posts. For instance, a white paper about one of your products will likely do better on LinkedIn than it would on Facebook. Users are often looking for fun and engaging posts on all major platforms.

Content Writing Vs Copywriting

There are many differences between the services provided by content and copywriters. Content writers will write long-form copy, while copywriters always draft short-form copy. The goal for content writers is to drive organic traffic. Meanwhile, copywriters are looking for immediate results and sales. Below are three of the biggest differences between the two forms of writing.

Copywriters Sell, Content Writers Inform

A copywriter will be very direct, selling right to your target audience. A content writer, meanwhile, will inform, educate, and entertain readers. Simply put, copywriting is utilized for sales, period. Content writing can attract an audience, keep them engaged, and eventually turn them into loyal customers. Think of copywriters for your short-term sales goals, while content writers can help grow your brand in the long run.

Content Writers Create Future Sales

Undoubtedly, content writers will lay the groundwork for your company’s future sales. Even though content writers are not focused on sales, they are still concentrating on selling a product or brand to an audience. Customers want to trust a product/brand, while the company looks to build that trust through solid written content. Your online presence will massively increase through a successful blog campaign.

Content Writers Focus On SEO

Content writers are typically hired to drive inbound traffic. This means content writers need to have SEO expertise. These writers will choose topics for blogs based on keywords your company wishes to rank for, which eventually turns into sales opportunities. Content writers will optimize their posts with a focus keyword that will appear in the headline, headers, and throughout the body of the page.

How To Create Good Content Writing

There are a few key elements needed to ensure your blogs, copywriting, and other content keep your audience engaged. When writing for your audience, make sure to follow these steps:

  • Know The Content Type: You’ll need to make sure you understand the type of content you are creating. Determine what makes each and every type of content successful and appealing to the masses.
  • Know Your Audience: You must make sure you know exactly who you are targeting. Figure out what your audience wants, needs, and searches for. Tell your audience about your product and how it can help them.
  • Research: Your business needs to be established as an authority on the subject you are writing about. Do extensive research prior to writing and use credible sources for your information.
  • Stay Organized: Organization will help keep your audience engaged for longer periods of time. Start your piece with broad information, getting more specific later on.
  • Remain Focused: Make sure you always stay on topic so you do not lose the attention of your audience.
  • Call To Action: Asking your audience to do something will result in higher engagement, overall. This can mean an increased click-through rate and/or more interest in your specific brand.
  • Track Your Content: Once published, it’s crucial to track the progress of your content. Find out how many users clicked on your posts, how many stayed for long periods of time, and how many leads have come from the content.

Content Writing Services

WebTechs.Net Content Writing Services In Scottsdale

For the best Content Writing Services in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, or Mesa, Arizona areas, contact WebTechs.Net today.

Written by webtechs

Copywriting Vs Content Writing: What Are The Differences?

Copywriting Vs Content Writing

Not too long ago, copywriters were always used for any and all marketing copy needs. Nowadays, many companies are opting for long-term results achieved by content writers. So, what are the differences between content and copywriters? Find out which writing service best suits your needs right here!

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is more straightforward than content writing. This type of writing will use persuasive language to appeal to consumers, leading them to hopefully take action. Copywriting is primarily focused on direct, short-term goals which result in generating sales. Companies will generally enlist copywriters to create advertisements, sales letters and emails.

A copywriter should be the type of wordsmith who can craft compelling headlines and leads, prompting customers to subscribe, follow-up or purchase a product/service. Most high-profile marketing campaigns have come from the hands of creative copywriters. When copywriting services are requested, companies will hope creative writing will lead to sales and the growing of their brand.

What Is Content Writing?

The biggest difference between the two styles is content writing being used to inform, educate and entertain, rather than focusing solely on generating sales. Content writers are used for the creation of blog posts, social media posts, emails and books, among other various writing tasks. The primary goal of this type of content is to engage a targeted audience with entertaining and informative pieces.

One of the largest advantages to hiring content writing services is that these writers are so stealth at storytelling that they can write without mentioning your brand and still attract customers. Content writers have the ability to convert readers into potential customers. These blogs or posts are generally free to consumers, so make sure your writers are SEO experts, as well.

Copywriter Tasks:

  • Advertisements
  • Email Campaigns
  • T.V./Radio Scripts
  • Sales Letters
  • Catalogs
  • Web Page Content
  • Social Media
  • Postcards
  • Promotions
  • Slogans

Content Writer Tasks:

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Features
  • Email Newsletters
  • Print Magazines
  • Books
  • Press Releases
  • Podcasts
  • White Papers
  • Film

Content Writing

Copywriting And Content Writing Differences

There are many differences between the services provided by content and copywriters. Content writers will write long-form copy, while copywriters always draft short-form copy. The goal for content writers is to drive organic traffic. Meanwhile, copywriters are looking for immediate results and sales. Below are three of the biggest differences between the two forms of writing.

1. Copywriters Sell, Content Writers Inform

A copy writer will be very direct, selling right to your target audience. A content writer, meanwhile, will inform, educate and entertain readers. Simply put, copywriting is utilized for sales, period. Content writing can attract an audience, keep them engaged and eventually turn them into loyal customers. Think of copywriters for your short-term sales goals, while content writers can help grow your brand in the long run.

2. Content Writers Create Future Sales

Undoubtedly, content writers will lay the groundwork for your company’s future sales. Even though content writers are not focused on sales, they are still concentrating on selling a product or brand to an audience. Customers want to trust a product/brand, while the company looks to build that trust through solid written content. Your online presence will massively increase through a successful blog campaign.

3. Content Writers Focus On SEO

Content writers are typically hired to drive inbound traffic. This means content writers need to have SEO expertise. These writers will choose topics for blogs based on keywords your company wishes to rank for, and eventually, turns into sales opportunities. Content writers will optimize their posts with a focus keyword that will appear in the headline, headers and throughout the body of the page.

Content Writing Services In Scottsdale

For a Free SEO consultation in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, or Mesa, Arizona areas, contact WebTechs.Net today.